Title : Bono
Directed by Maxence Peyras
With Antony Colas, Eduardo Bagé, Fabrice Colas & Patrick Audoy
Duration : 53 minutes
Website: eyeseaproduction.com
Synopsis :
During one year Antony Colas have worked on an unknowed tidal bore in sumatra Forest. For millenias, this wave breaks along 40 kilometers in the National Park. In September 2010, 4 french surfers, Antony Colas and his brother Fabrice, Patrick Audoy and Eduardo Bagé and one cameraman, Maxence Peyras decide to go in this deeps lands. The goal: surfing for the first time ever this incredible wave. “Bono” is the story of this expedition, and talks about the best discovery for a surfer : an endless wave.