Title: Lunch Break
Directed by Clare Plueckhahn & Fran Derham
With Laura Enever, Tyler Wright, Serena Brooke, Ellie-Jean Coffey, Felicity Palmateer, Kirby Wright, Codie Klein, Dru Adler, Cahill Bell Warren, Jason, Jameson, Noah Lane, Brent Savage, Ty Watson, Kai Hing & Alyssa Lock.
Synopsis: ‘Lunchbreak’ is a short surfing film that combines high performance surfing action with a cheeky twist on a North Shore legend. A group of male surfers are out surfing when the local ‘Wolf Pack’ comes and calls ‘lunch break’ kicking them out of the water. The ‘Wolf Pack’s’ session doesn’t last long though, a group of groms are hot on their tales, determined to teach them a lesson.