Surf Right

A documentary short film inspired by a community of cold water surfers who embrace unforgiving conditions to follow their passion.
Run time: 3 minutes
Screening Time: October 17 - 10:45pm
with Immersion
Created by Michael Schaeffer & Marcus Wilson
Produced by Mark Hankey & Eran Lobel
Directed and Photographed by John Huet
Edited by Shondra Burke
Music by Gamardah Fungus, Apocalyptica, Juneau
This entry was posted on Friday, October 4th, 2013 at 9:00 am. It is filed under 2013 Films, 2013 Short Films and tagged with Film, Film Festivals, New York Surf Film Festival, nitehawk cinema, NY Surf Film Festival, NYC, NYSFF,, Surf, Surfboard, Surfer, Surfing.
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