Telepathic Supersonic Space Ninja Surfers

Telepathic Supersonic Space Ninja Surfers is a film short by Hollywood actor Dan Fogler and his production company Studio 13. It is an homage to video games, surfing, and the mighty morphing power rangers! Starring Dan’s own little cousins.
Run time: 3 minutes
Screening Time: October 17 - 9:05pm
with Innersection:Black
This entry was posted on Friday, October 4th, 2013 at 8:55 am. It is filed under 2013 Films, 2013 Short Films and tagged with dan fogler, Film, Film Festivals, New York Surf Film Festival, ninja, ninja surfers, nitehawk cinema, NY Surf Film Festival, NYC, NYSFF,, power rangers, studio 13, Surf, Surfboard, Surfer, Surfing, video gmes.
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